plants are green


Plants are green, bacteria are purple because this is how photosynthesis works in nature.

Well, my poem is not rhyming at all but one thing I can tell you is that nature does works in mysterious ways.

Maybe we still look at the stars when we are curious about the world but nature has so many questions for us to answer. One that is now being answered is why the plants are green.

Plants cry their gratitude for the sun in green joy.

Terri Guillemets

In the last few years, scientists are making a tremendous effort to understand why the leaves have this specific color: green.

Although the color is dominating nature, we only recently learn the why.

Yet it is not as simple as someone will think. The reason is definitely a surprise and it shows nature’s wisdom.

In this episode, we are learning the latest scientific news on why the plants are green.

Although someone may not understand why science is looking to discover such a mystery, nature is giving us answers on how to have a sustainable lifestyle.

Even plants can teach us how to fight climate change and become greener as well. 

When humanity serves Nature, Nature serves humanity. When we serve animals and plants, they too serve us in return.

Mata Amritanandamayi

Have you heard of any other mystery in nature? You can share anything you want about it below. 

Important: share only your own story directly in the comments. Links to other posts, videos, websites, etc. will be removed.

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With love…for science,


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