The Big Bang is a comedy show about the life of a bunch of nerdy scientists who dress poorly and can not connect with society.
Earthquakes are so scary. Even for the smallest movement, we jump up and escape outdoors. But most earthquakes are not causing any damages or injuries.
Europe has a long history of civilization. A lot of beginnings in arts, science, and culture happened in Europe.
The secrets of Earth are all around us. Yet most of us are still in the dark.
Elephant evolution is one of the most interesting stories in the history of Earth. For millions of years now elephants increased their size.
Science paradox is when something makes no sense with the knowledge we have now.
If the Earth stopped turning, our world would have changed. But this scenario thankfully it is not likely to happen.
The ocean is still fascinating for explorers. Since we can not breathe underwater, we still find it a foreign place of nature. Yet this unknown environment for us is full of amazing discoveries.
Natural paint rocks were and still are the natural source of paints. Hence we are using since always to create art all over the world.
The history of Earth is a long one. Since Earth is 4,6 billion years old, there are so many changes that happened within this time.